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Table of Contents
Questions regarding Info-Center and WebShop
- On this page you will find a brief instruction regarding the functions of the Info-Center and the WebShop.
- If you have further questions regarding the Info-Center and/or WebShop and you cannot find suitable answers you can contact us per telephone no. 0049 33439 / 867-32 on Tuesday from 3 pm. to 6 pm. or you can send us as well an E-Mail or a Fax under no. 0049 33439 / 867-18.
Searching for Articles
Searching within the Info-Center
- Via the field “Search” at the navigation bar you can either have a specific search by product name and article number or you search via a sectional identification at the Info-Center.
- At the window “Search” under “Results” will be all pages listed which contain the requested search-content. The hits will be yellow marked at the pages of the Info-Center.
Searching within the WebShop
- Via the field “Product search” at the navigation bar you can start a specific search for articles within the WebShop. Either you are searching with the product name or with the article number.
- Or you can use the extended search via the field “Detail search”. The result list will refer to the content of the Info-Center. The hits at the pages of the Info-Center will be marked yellow.
- WIf you are not certain about the correct searching request you can as well use partial concepts at both searching fields.
Adding products to the Wish List
- On the product pages and at the Info-Center you will have the possibility to add products onto the wish list. This function can be used only if you are registered as customer at the LDT WebShop or if you are initially registered by interest to our products.
- If you click onto the wish list symbol at the Info-Center or the WebShop all products you have presently stored at the wish list will be indicated.
- With the button “add to cart” you can transfer the relative product into the cart. If you click onto the button “remove” you will remove the product from the wish list.
Adding Products to the Cart
- At the WebShop you can select on the left menu bar a product group (category) of our general product assortment. If there are further product ranges available within this product group you will have the possibility to select one particular product range. At the end you will come always to the product selection. It is possible that you can store each product directly into the cart or you can click onto the picture or on the button “Product details” and you will come to the suitable product page with detailed product description within the Info-Center.
- If you want to add further products to your cart you can just simply click again onto a product group at the menu bar and you will come back to the product assortment. The content of the cart will remain. If you want to order several units of one product you can simply insert the required number in the field “Quantity” at the cart.
- Your cart is available at any time at the Info-Center and at the WebShop via the cart symbol.
Deleting Products from the Cart
- If you placed a wrong product into the cart you can delete it at any time. Just click simply onto the square next to the product picture for marking the particular product. Then click onto the button “remove”. The remaining quantity and the total price will be corrected accordingly.
Customer log-in and Password
- If you have been registered already at the WebShop or you have purchased some of our products before and established a customer account you will have access to your personal account via “Login”. This gives you several advantages. At first you can shorten the ordering process because you have only to enter your E-Mail address and your password. Your address information will be automatically completed with your personal data which you have transmitted to us earlier. As customer you will have the possibility to change your personal data at the WebShop at any time via “Account”.